Dulces Dieciseis Nuvea York DJ Paquete & Quinceanera

The Quinceanera celebracion traditionally begins with a religious ceremonia

A celebracion is held in a banquete hall. The festividades include food and musica, and in most, a choreographed waltz (Tiempo de vals) or dance realizado by the Quinceanera and her Corte. Spanish DJ and bilingue MC Mixing top dance musica and latin baile musica. Fotografia, Cabina de fotos, Iluminacion, evento planeado.caliente pro dj la llamada, llamar 631-864-2323. It is tradicional for the Quinceanera to escoger especial amigos to participate in what is called the Corte of Honor. The mix of familia and Amigos, young and old, near and far - all combine to make the celebracion unique and especial.

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